Malcolm Esping 1914-1989
The Bethany Artist & the Bethany Scientist: Lydia & Emil ------------------------- \\//
Lydia's and Emil's Smoky Valley Swedish Immigration Background ~ With a far larger account of why Swedes were leaving Sweden by Mr. Holmquist
Their 1869 "Bethany Lutheran Church" ~ Accounts by Dr. Lindquist and Mr. Carlson
- Their 1879 "Swedish Mission Church" formation by former Bethany Lutheran Church members due to the "atonement" issue ~ An account by Dr. Emory K. Lindquist, 1 of 2 >
- Their 1907 "Bethany Home" ~ With LINKS to the Swedish King's visit and "The Bethany Home Story" >
- Their 1909 and 1919 Swedish Smoky Valley Community Chronicles ~ Compiled and written by Bethany Lutheran Church Rev. Dr. Bergin, members and others
- Their 1910 English speaking "Messiah Lutheran Church" formation by former Bethany Lutheran Church members ~ An account by Dr. Lindquist, 1 of 2 >
- Their 1916-1920 Sohlberg House - Emil's and Lydia's - After their honeymoon
Their 1919 Lindsborg Historical Society's "Coronado Heights" ~ Emil's 1907 thesis and Lydia's photographs
- Their 1920-1940 Old Main Apartments of Bethany College - Emil's and Lydia's - Living on campus with the students for 20 years
- Their 1936 1873 Swedish Homestead - Emil's and Lydia's - Our Peaceful Acres >
- Their 1940-1943 Deere Home - Emil's and Lydia's - With new occupants after Lydia >
- Their 1941 "Svensk Hyllningsfest" and Dr. Holwerda's Role ~ Accounts by Dr. Lungstrom, Mrs. Jaderborg, Dr. Holwerda & Mr. Lundstrom >
- 1943, After Lydia, Emil's part planning Lindsborg's "first" hospital and Dr. Holwerda's role ~ An account by Dr. Lungstrom
Lydia's and Emil's Smoky Valley Swedish Immigration Background ~ With a far larger account of why Swedes were leaving Sweden by Mr. Holmquist
- Their 1881 "Bethany Academy" founded with its 1882 First Academy Building -- Swensson's Bethany's Beginnings
Their 1882-1966 "Bethany College Museum" ~ The Natural History and Pioneer History Collections
LINKS to Deere's Swensson's Bethany College Museum Collections ~ 1882 to 1966
- Fossils Collection ~ From Old Main to the McPherson County Old Mill Museum, 1966, ~ “The Find”
- Taxidermy Collection ~ From Old Main to the McPherson County Old Mill Museum, 1966
- 900 item Emil O. Deere Pioneer Collection ~ From Old Main to the McPherson County Old Mill Museum, 1966
- Cliff Dwellers' Pottery Collection ~ From Old Main to the Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery, 1966
- Coronado Expedition Chain Mail and Bethany College Museum History ~ An account from Dr. Lungstrom's book - by Matt (Kermit) Moline
LINKS to Deere's Swensson's Bethany College Museum Collections ~ 1882 to 1966
- Their 1882 on . . . Bethany College Handel’s “Messiah" Performances >
- Their 1899 on . . . Bethany College “ 'Swedish Artists’ Midwest Art Exhibition” ~ An account by the Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery
- Their 1902 "I WAS THERE" Coin ~ Bethany College 21st Year Celebration
- Their 1903 on . . . Bethany College "Rockar Stockar!" and the 1902 on . . . "Terrible Swedes" ~ An account by Dr. Lindquist
- Their “1904 on . . .” Bethany College St. Louis World's Fair “Swedish Pavilion”
- Their 1937 Bethany College's Introduction to 1638 New Sweden >
Their Bethany College Anniversary Celebrations ~ "1895 to 1981" ~ 15, 20, 25, 100 years
- Their Celebrating 15 Years of Bethany College, 1881-1896. ~ The First "Bethany Annual," 1895-96
- Their Celebrating 20 Years of Bethany College, 1881-1901. ~ The "Forget-Me-Not," 1902 >
- Their Celebrating 25 Years of Bethany College, 1881-1906 ~ "Souvenir of Lindsborg and Bethany College"
- Their Celebrating 100 Years of Bethany College, 1881-1981 ~ "The Centennial of Bethany College"
The Bethany Artist & the Bethany Scientist: Lydia & Emil ------------------------- \\//
Swedish Immigration Story, 1854
- "The Story of the Old Spoon" by Ingrid Anderson Sohlberg & Daughter Lydia Sohlberg Deere, 1937
- Who They Left Behind
From Sweden with Love Collections
- The Swedish Sohlberg Kosta Portraits, 1867 >
- The Swedish Sohlberg Royal Gold Thread Embroidery Sampler (c1890s)
- The Swedish Sohlberg Post Cards (c1890s)
- The Swedish Sohlberg Magazines, (c1940s)
- The Swedish Sohlberg Books, 1819/1886 to 1899
- The Swedish Sohlberg Albums ~ Late 19th early 20th centuries
- The Swedish Deere Coins -- 1801-1929
Artist Lydia Sohlberg Deere
- Lydia's Lindsborg Photography, 1900-1925 >
- Lydia as Bethany College Lane Hart Hall Dean of Women, 1906 - 1913
- Lydia's "Bethany Campus Association," 1912 ~ Creating "The Gateway to Bethany College" of 1917
- Lydia Sohlberg Deere's 1927 "Lindsborg Swedish Club's" Handwork and Members >
- Lydia's Art Professor Sven Birger Sandzén, 1871-1954 >
- Lydia's Art Professor Birger Sandzén's "Art Exhibitions" and "Reviews" .. 1893-1940 >
- Lydia's and Sandzén's Swedish Artist Friend Charles Edward Hallberg, 1855-1940 >
- Lydia’s Sohlberg Family Connection to Sandzén, 1880-1894-1993
LYDIA'S Art, 1919-1938
- 2005, LYDIA'S Photography Exhibit at Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery >
- 2021 "Prairie Fire: Lydia Sohlberg Deere Discovers the Desert" by Ann Japenga
Scientist Emil O. Deere
Deere's & Lydia's Bethany -- Lydia's Bethany Photography, 1906-1925
- Bethany College "Campus from Above"
- Bethany College "The Gateway," 1917 and "Bethany Campus Association," 1912
- Bethany College "College Street," today's "North First Street"
- Bethany College "Campus Life"
Bethany College's "Earliest Building Lydia Photographed"
- Bethany College "Ladies Dormitory" / "Lane Hart Hall" 1883 - 1899 - 1983
- Bethany College "Old Main" 1887-1968 >
- Bethany College "Messiah Auditorium" / "Ling Auditorium" / "Ling Gymnasium" 1895 - 1946
- Bethany College "Swedish Pavilion," 1904
- Bethany College "Carnegie Library" / "Bethany Library," 1908 - 1980
- Bethany College "Bethany Academy" 1882 -- Swensson's Bethany's Beginnings ~ Not photographed by Lydia
Deere's 1959 Interview on Rev. Dr. Carl A. Swensson (On YouTube)
Rev. Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson, 1857-1904 ~ An account by Dr. Lindquist
- Swensson's "Bethany Lutheran Church" and the "Augustana Lutheran Synod"
- Swensson's Bethany's Beginnings: "The Bethany Academy of 1882"
- Olsson's Influence ~ The Swenssons,' the Musicians' and Singers,' "Messiah," 1882 on … >
- Swensson's Swedish Artists of the 1890s
- Swensson's "Bethany College Museum," 1882 - 1966
- In Memorium**Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson, 1904 ~ An account by Dr. Lindquist
Rev. Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson, 1857-1904 ~ An account by Dr. Lindquist
- Deere's Rev. Dr. Ernst F. Pihlblad, 1873-1943 ~ An account by Dr. Lindquist >
Deere's Swensson's "Bethany College Museum" 1882-1966
- Article -- 1962 November "Kansas City Star" article noting Dr. Emil O. Deere: "He Watches Museum Expand" for 54 Years"
The 1966 Bethany College Museum Collections Move to the Old Mill Museum ~ The planner, the movers, the "contractual stipulation"
- Article -- 1966 Autumn "Bethany Magazine" article -- noting Bethany College Museum Collections move ~ Showing Biology Professor Dr. Leon G. Lungstrom with "Old Dobbin Moves" story
- Article -- 1976 September article by Lindsborg resident Mrs. Betty Hanson -- noting growth of County Museum after receiving College Museum collections
- 1990 Bethany College "Museum" Chapter 2 by Dr. Lungstrom ~ Transcribed >
- Deere's College Students' Smoky Valley "Expeditions" ~ Some of which added to the College's Museum's Natural History Collection
- Deere's Smithsonian Institution's Souvenir, 1904
Deere's College Military Involvement for World War 1 and 2 ~ An account by Dr. Lungstrom
- Deere's 1940 Presidential Address to the Kansas Academy of Science
- Deere's 1955 Letter to President Eisenhower re Tuttle Creek ~ To protect the Blue Grass Valley of Kansas where he lived as a child
- Deere's Service, 1901-1966 ~ The bullet points >
- Deere's Old Main Office ~ SVHA secretary Mrs. Jaderborg in charge of cleaning it out
- The Deere's Library ~ What remains of 2,000 volumes -- pending
Deere's & Lydia's Bethany -- Lydia's Bethany Photography, 1906-1925
"The Other Swedes"
~ Celebrating Them ~ The Smoky Valley Writers ~
- Rev. Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson ~ Prolific writer in America and Sweden from approximately 1879 to 1904
- Bethany Church, Bethany College, Augustana Lutheran Synod Writers ~ Remembering Rev. Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson and Rev. Dr. Ernst Frederick Pihlblad
Rev. Dr. Alfred Bergin ~ Wrote, compiled and printed Swedish foundational history on the 1869 Smoky Valley Augustana Lutherans of Bethany Church and settlement of Lindsborg, for 1909 and 1919
- 1909, Renamed in 1965 to "Pioneer Swedish-American Culture in Central Kansas," and translated ~ By Mrs. Ruth Bergin Billdt, Editor Mrs. Elizabeth Jaderborg >
- 1919, Renamed in 1969 to "The Smoky Valley in the After Years," and translated ~ Part 1 by Mrs. Ruth Bergin Billdt and Part 2 by Mrs. Elizabeth Jaderborg >
- Prince Wilhelm of Sweden ~ A 1928 "royal" one-time Smoky Valley Writer - "A Swedish Oasis" ~ Recalling his 1927 Bethany College Presser Hall Groundbreaking Celebration Visit
Dr. Emory K. Lindquist ~ "Fourth" President of Bethany College ~ Chronicling Swedish Augustana Lutheran Lindsborg and Bethany College from their earliest years
- 1953, "Smoky Valley People, A History of Lindsborg, Kansas" ~ The Words of Dr. Lindquist and Contents & Illustrations
- 1975 "Bethany in Kansas, the history of a college" ~ The Words of Dr. Lindquist >
- 1984 "Hagbard Brase, Beloved Music Master" ~ The Words of Dr. Lindquist >
- 1989 "G. N. Malm - A Swedish Immigrant's Varied Career" ~ The Words of Dr. Lindquist with chapters by Hasselmo, Holm, Skårdal, & translation by Van Boer >
1993 "Birger Sandzén, An Illustrated Biography" ~ Introduction from the "Lindsborg News-Record" News Release
- Rev. Bror Carlsson's 1955, 350-page manuscript "Jag Sökte Icke," "I Did Not Seek My Own" ~ Tracing Lindsborg's Spiritual Founder Rev. Olof Olsson's life in Sweden and America with the 1860 Swedish Augustana Lutheran Synod >
Mrs. Elizabeth Jaderborg ~ Chronicling the Lindsborg of her day, its early histories and citizens [Remarks on Superintendent Dr. Einar Jaderborg and "Messiah" Bass Soloist Thure Jaderborg]
- 1965 "Lindsborg On Record" ~ Contents & Illustrations
- 1967 "Living in Lindsborg and Other Possibilities" ~ Contents & Illustrations
- 1973 "Talk About Lindsborg" ~ Contents & Illustrations
- 1976 "Why Lindsborg" ~ An introduction: H. M. Carl XVI Gustaf of the Kingdom of Sweden >
- 1990 "Two Reprints" ~ Contents & Illustrations
- Mr. A. John Pearson ~ Chronicling the "first" 8 Bethany College presidents, "Messiah" history and much more >
Rev. Eugene K. Nelson and The Bethany Home Writers ~ Chronicling the beginnings of the Bethany Home of 1907 to 1986
1986, "The Bethany Home Story," Table of Contents, including listed photos
- 1986 "The Bethany Home Story" Foreword and Epilogue, by Rev. Nelson
- Chapters 1 & 2: "The Origins" & "The Buildings That Have Been Bethany Home""
- Chapter 3: "The Board and the Sponsoring Church"
- Chapter 11: Memories of Bethany Home by Residents and Friends
- "The Gentle Art of Caring" - Poem by Verna Todd, 92
- "O Bethany Home" - Poem
1986, "The Bethany Home Story," Table of Contents, including listed photos
Dr. Leon George Lungstrom ~ Chronicling Bethany College natural science and mathematics, the professors and societies, the Museum, Old Main and Nelson Science Hall, 1881-1990
1990 "History of Natural Science and Mathematics at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas" ~ "Table of Contents"
Dr. Lungstrom Chapters ~ Transcriptions of a few of these
- "Introduction"
- "Bethany College History Concerning the Natural Sciences and Mathematics"
- "Bethany College Museum" >
- "Societies on the College Campus Associated with Mathematics and Natural Sciences"
- "Tabulation of Teachers and Assistants in Natural Sciences and Mathematics"
- "Bethany College Catalogue Covers"
- "The Old Main Building and Nelson Science Hall"
Dr. Lungstrom's References ~ Listings from 1893 to 1990 of four publications
- "Lindsborg News-Record" ~ Science and mathematics' headlines ~ 1901 to 1990
- "Daisy" and/or "Bethanian" ~ List of Science & Math Faculty Photographs ~ 1908 - 1990
- "Bethany Messenger" ~ Science and mathematics' headlines ~ 1893 to 1987
- "Bethany College Magazine" ~ Science and mathematics' headlines ~ 1954 to 1990
Dr. Lungstrom Chapters ~ Transcriptions of a few of these
- Dr. Lungstrom ~ "Master Teacher" "Master Learner" >
- Dr. Lungstrom's "Three Pioneer Scientists of Swedish Descent"
1990 "History of Natural Science and Mathematics at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas" ~ "Table of Contents"
- The Smoky Valley Historical Association Writers ~ Chronicling 1993 "Where Did They Live?" "Early Residences of Lindsborg, Kansas"
Mr. Thomas N. Holmquist ~ Chronicling Lindsborg's neighbors, the Galesburg Augustana Lutheran Swedes of Salemsborg and Freemount, with a personal connection, since 1868
- Mr. Alf Brorson ~ Promoting Lindsborg in Sweden - The "Sweden Letter"
- Mr. Chris A. Abercrombie Creator and Author of the "First" SVHA Website - 2013-2024
Mr. Bill Carlson ~ Chronicling Lindsborg's earliest and later histories with a personal connection, since 1867
- Ms. Karen A. Humphrey ~ Chronicling highlights of Swedish Augustana Lutheran Lindsborg and Bethany College culture in the earliest years >
Mrs. Margaret Dahlquist Eddy ~ Chronicling the Lindsborg, Bethany College and Smoky Valley Photography of Swede Bror Gustaf Gröndal, 1887-1945
2013 "Through the Lens of B.G. Gröndal: Keeper of His Time" ~ Contents and Photograph Titles ~ The Sohlberg Deere Portraits
- "Through the Lens of B.G. Gröndal:" ~ Dedication, Foreword by Mrs. Lorna Nelson, Preface by Mr. Don Weddle, Acknowledgments
- "Through the Lens of B.G. Gröndal:" ~ The Words of Mrs. Eddy ~ "Life Experiences" "The Smoky Valley"
- "Through the Lens of B.G. Gröndal:" ~ The Words of Mrs. Eddy ~ "Studio Cameras," "Studio Remembered" "Gröndal's Career" "Photography as an Art Form" "Professional Organizations"
- "Through the Lens of B.G. Gröndal: Keeper of His Time" ~ Selections from Swede Bror Gustaf Gröndal's Photography from 1887 to 1945
2013 "Through the Lens of B.G. Gröndal: Keeper of His Time" ~ Contents and Photograph Titles ~ The Sohlberg Deere Portraits
- Mr. Tim Stewart ~ 2016 author of the Smoky Valley Historical Association’s "Vår Historia Newsletter" when Board VP, and as President creator of the 2024 SVHA website
- Dr. Thomas F. Jorsch & Bethany College Honors Students ~ 2016 "Lindsborg During World War I: Service, Sacrifice and Dissent" >
- Mr. Kenneth Sjogren ~ Saving and serving Bethany College; preserving college and Swedish history and culture; writing college history ~ The "Hemslöjd" >
- Digitalize the Smoky Valley Writers' Swedish and Swedish American histories ~ For their generations to come and for research accessibility
- ~ Celebrating Them ~ The Smoky Valley History Research Writers Website Designers
~ Celebrating Them ~ The Lindsborg Swedes, Their Neighbors & Friends ~
- Rev. Dr. Olof Olsson ~ Remembering Swedish Lutheran Christian Founder of Lindsborg and of Bethany Lutheran Church ~ LINKS to accounts by Rev. Bror Carlsson, Mr. Alf Brorson, and Dr. Emory K. Lindquist
- Rev. Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson ~ Remembering “Founder” and "Second President" of Bethany College ~ LINKS to accounts by Dr. Emory K. Lindquist, and much more
- Mrs. Alma Christina Lind Swensson ~ Remembering her as Mrs. Rev. Dr. Swensson, the “First Lady” of Lindsborg, ~ "Highlights" from Ms. Humphrey’s book
- Rev. Dr. Edward J. Nelander ~ Remembering "First" President of Bethany College ~ Accounts by Dr. Lindquist and Dr. Lungstrom
- Dr. Johan August Udden ~ Remembering "First" Bethany College professor, founder of the Museum and Spanish Chain Mail, led UT to over $300,000,000 ~ An account by Dr. Lungstrom
- Mr. Bror Gustaf Gröndal ~ Remembering him and his photography in the earliest years of Lindsborg and Bethany College, beginning in 1887 >
- Mr. Samuel Thorstenberg ~ Remembering him as the "first" internationally acclaimed Bethany College "Messiah Chorus" conductor
- Dr. Hagbard Brase ~ Remembering him as the "second " internationally acclaimed Bethany College "Messiah Chorus" conductor
- Rev. Dr. Ernst F. Pihlblad ~ "Third" President of Bethany College ~ An account by Dr. Lindquist
- Miss Alma Luise Olson ~ Remembering her as "First Honored American Woman by Sweden" ~ The 1965 account by Mrs. Jaderborg >
- Artist Birger Sandzén ~ Remembering him for "sharing his art with the world," starting "first" at Lindsborg's Bethany College >
The Greenoughs ~ Margaret & Pelham ~ Their greatest contribution to the little Swedish city of Lindsborg and to honoring the Swedish Artist ~ The Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery
- Artist Dr. Margaret Elisabeth "Greta" Sandzén Greenough ~ Her life of collecting her father's art, promoting it and establishing a gallery in his name
- Dr. Charles Pelham Greenough, 3rd. ~ His life of embracing the Sandzén family, establishing and financing the Gallery and supporting the community
- Dr. Arthur. W. Lindquist , internationally known entomologist ~ An account by Dr. Lungstrom
- Mr. Gustaf Nathaniel Malm ~ Remembering Lindsborg's Swedish Renaissance Man ~ Accounts by Dr. Lindquist >
- Mr. & Mrs. Hilding Jaderborg ~ Remembering them and their “Swedish Crafts Shop” of 65 years and 50 trips to Sweden
- The Swedish Lindsborg Builders ~ Remembering them for the lovely homes they built
- William Holwerda, M.D. ~ Remembering him as "Doc Bill," a city father and loving citizen ~ Accounts by Dr. Lungstrom and Mrs. Jaderborg >
- Artist Lester Raymer ~ Remembering him as the renowned virtuoso artist and "behind the scenes" community supporter
- Mr. Max Muller, 1959 Founder of "Broadway RFD" and 1976 Author of "Prairie Carnegie" ~ By Tim Stewart, 2016 creator of the SVHA's "Var Historia Newsletter" publication
Dr. & Mrs. Elmer Copley ~ Remembering them and their 29 years of dedication to that Bethany College "Messiah" tradition of excellence
- Dr. Arvin W. Hahn ~ Remembering him, Ken Sjogren and others for saving Bethany College from going under! -- "A Miracle in the Making" >
- Dr. Greta Swenson and Mr. & Mrs. Mark Esping ~ Remembering them for founding Lindsborg's “only” "Swedish-American Folklife Institute of Central Kansas," 1986 >
- Mr. Claude Koehn ~ Remembering him as restorer and preserver of Smoky Valley stone farmhouses and other stone structures
- Ms. Rebecca Copley ~ Honoring her as Bethany College's “first” graduate to become an "International Concert and Opera Soprano" >
- Mr. Bruce Karstadt ~ Honoring him as a Bethany College graduate for heading up a major national Swedish American institution
- Dr. Mark Lucas ~ Honoring him as Messiah conductor for bringing the Holy Easter Lindsborg “Oberammergau of the Plains" to a “new” world audience in 2020
~ Celebrating Them ~ The Groupings, including Swedes from Sweden ~
- 1881 on: Some Bethany College Science Professor by Dr. Leon G. Lungstrom Biology Professor, from his 1990 book
- 1882-1966 Bethany College Museum Science Professor Curators ~ Their earliest collectors and the taxidermists >
- 1894-1962 Bethany College Graduates in Augustana Lutheran Synod World Mission Work ~ An account by Dr. Emory K. Lindquist
- 1901-2014 The Bethany College Swedish Knights and Ladies ~ Honored by the Kings of Sweden
1919 "Lindsborg Historical Society' (LHS) ~ Earliest leaders and supporters
- 1971 "American Scandinavian Association of the Great Plains" Leaders ~ Providing cultural history and heritage programs with significant links to Sweden and Swedish America
- 1976 His Majesty the King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf's Visit to Lindsborg April 17th >
- 1977 Swedish Emigrant Institute Staff from Växjö, Småland, Visits Lindsborg October 16-18 >
- 1978 Swedish Documentary Film Crew Visits Lindsborg October 2-9
- 1992, Esping and Holmquist Bethany College alumni in DC's Smithsonian's National Folklife Festival ~ Representing "Kansas Agriculture and Swedish Culture"
- 1998 - 2015 ~ "The Pearson Distinguished Professorship of Swedish Studies Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas"
~ Celebrating Them ~ The Smoky Valley Writers ~
Contacts +
- For 1869 Lindsborg "CONTACT" Today to Yesteryears >
- For 1881 Bethany College "CONTACT" Today to Yesteryears >
- For 1957 Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery CONTACT Today >
- The 1941 Smoky Valley "Pioneer Cross Memorial" ~ By Mr. Thomas N. Holmquist
- The 2009 "Smoky Valley Swedish People's Virtual Memorial"
- TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ Traveling thro SWEDES "The Outline Online"