"The Other Swedes"
Honoring Them and Remembering Them
1961 - 2021 "McPherson County Old Mill Museum"
1898 Old Mill in Lindsborg, Kansas
Honoring Them and Remembering Them
1961 - 2021 "McPherson County Old Mill Museum"
1898 Old Mill in Lindsborg, Kansas
g The McPherson Sentinel. Saturday, February 23rd. 1963
Capital Historical Society to meet March 4.
Indent. The newly organized McPherson County Historical Society will hold its first meeting Monday, March 4, at the County Courthouse at 4:00 PM. comma and president james kasler has invited all people , and President James Kasler has invited all people of the county to attend if they are interested in preserving the history of the area.
The major business Matter. scheduled for the meeting will be the election of officers for the Scheduled for the meeting will be the election of officers for the fiscal year. the present set of officers have a s.... The present set of officers have a short term because of the way the Constitution and bylaws were set up, But the officers elected March 4 will serve for one year.
the meeting will also mark the begin.... The meeting will also mark the beginning of project work for the Society, and details of this these projects will be announced and discussed.
President Kassler today announced the appointment of regional Directors of the Society. it will be the duty of these men and.... It will be the duty of these men and women to be responsible for collecting and assembling the history of the townships assigned to them. Regional directors appointed to date include the following.; Arvid Johnson, Bonneville and Gibson Townships.; Phil. Sterling, Canton., Battle hill and spring valley; Missus Walter Myers., Delmore and Empire.; Dr. Leon Lundstrom, Smokey Hill. comma , union and new Gotland.; Leland Ackers. A KERS, Marquette., Sal Sharp Creek, Harpen, HARPEN; Junior Cochrane, Castle Hill and Jackson; Misses E. G. Not in I GH, McPherson, JJ. Down STNO US, Turkey Creek and E. L. Sawyer, Groveland.
Capital Historical Society to meet March 4.
Indent. The newly organized McPherson County Historical Society will hold its first meeting Monday, March 4, at the County Courthouse at 4:00 PM. comma and president james kasler has invited all people , and President James Kasler has invited all people of the county to attend if they are interested in preserving the history of the area.
The major business Matter. scheduled for the meeting will be the election of officers for the Scheduled for the meeting will be the election of officers for the fiscal year. the present set of officers have a s.... The present set of officers have a short term because of the way the Constitution and bylaws were set up, But the officers elected March 4 will serve for one year.
the meeting will also mark the begin.... The meeting will also mark the beginning of project work for the Society, and details of this these projects will be announced and discussed.
President Kassler today announced the appointment of regional Directors of the Society. it will be the duty of these men and.... It will be the duty of these men and women to be responsible for collecting and assembling the history of the townships assigned to them. Regional directors appointed to date include the following.; Arvid Johnson, Bonneville and Gibson Townships.; Phil. Sterling, Canton., Battle hill and spring valley; Missus Walter Myers., Delmore and Empire.; Dr. Leon Lundstrom, Smokey Hill. comma , union and new Gotland.; Leland Ackers. A KERS, Marquette., Sal Sharp Creek, Harpen, HARPEN; Junior Cochrane, Castle Hill and Jackson; Misses E. G. Not in I GH, McPherson, JJ. Down STNO US, Turkey Creek and E. L. Sawyer, Groveland.
from. David Knight. NIGH.
The letter is from S. M. Dell, President. Lynn Peterson, first vice president. mcpherson McPherson, KS April 18th, 1983.
A little over 20 years ago. brackets 19 60 2 bracket comma mr james kessler comma anton Brackets 1962 bracket, Mr. James Kessler, Anton Pearson, and a small group of interested persons from various committees in McPherson County. Reorganize the McPherson County Historical Society after it had been in hibernation for some 30 years. Bracket this also included. Doctor Emo Oh dear Bracket. The society has now functioned under various. functioned under varied leadership f.... Functioned under varied leadership for over two decades, which is beyond the average life expectancy of this type of organization. It was prominent and part. Had a part in the celebration. of the mcpherson county and mcpherso.... Of the McPherson County and McPherson City Sentinels, as well as Sentinels Centennials of several other communities in the county. During these years, several projects have enabled the organization to accumulate some $9000. which has been designated to assist in the financing of Which has been designated to assist in the financing of a publication of a McPherson County historical. History. At some time in the future bracket. Did not happen. Bracket. through a number of historical proje Through a number of historical projects, programs, tours and other activities, the Society has helped to make the average county citizen. more aware of and more interested in.... More aware of and more interested in preserving our heritage Period. To continue accomplishing this goal is the future. In the future will require the interest and assistance of concerned citizens from all areas of McPherson County.
the mcpherson county historical The McPherson County Historical Society has established a goal for the 1983. Dash 4 year. Of securing. at least 5 members in each of the 20 5 townships of the county comma At least five members in each of the 25 townships of the county, as well as in the eight incorporated cities of the county. We would like to invite you to come to be one of the members to help achieve this goal. Will you accept this challenge?? Annual dues as this is to society are as follows.: Regular member. dash 1 dollar per person sustaining Dash $1.00 per person Sustaining member. Dash $25 per person contributing member. Dash $10 per person Life member Dash $100 per person.
The membership. From each Township. reaching Reaching their goal will be given special recognition at the annual banquet of the county Historical organizations this fall. please complete the form at the bott.... Please complete the form at the bottom of this letter, clip it and return it with your check in the enclosed Self Address envelope.
The next meeting of the Society will be held on Saturday, May 7th at 2:00 PM at the McPherson Museum., 1130 E. LQ claude E LQ Claude Euclid. The program is entitled, Early inventions in McPherson County. Quote. Dash, Dash. Speaker will be Ed DWD. E DW period C period elmquist comma EDW. C. Elmquist, Lindsborg. the public is invited period if you .... The public is invited. If you know of others who may be interested in membership in the society, show them this letter and encourage them to join also, especially if you feel they are interested in preserving our local history.
We would like. no no we would also like to inform you that the mcpherson county No, no. We would also like to inform you that the McPherson County Historical Society is cooperating with. Doctor Raymond Flory FLORY, who is financing and publishing a very fine new Atlas of McPherson County. with a great deal of With a great deal of interesting information ever before published. Enclosed here with is an information sheet provided by Doctor. flori which describes the material included in Addition. To your personal check, payable to doctor. Raymond Florie FLORY, and also return it in the enclosed self dash addressed envelope. Please notice that the special. Pre publication price of $11.95. Up through April 30th. After which, after which time the price will be increased.
Thank you for your interest and participating in our efforts to preserve our local. Historical heritage.
Sincerely S. M. Dell, President
Lynn Linn Peterson Peterson, 1st Vice President.
from. David Knight. NIGH.
The letter is from S. M. Dell, President. Lynn Peterson, first vice president. mcpherson McPherson, KS April 18th, 1983.
A little over 20 years ago. brackets 19 60 2 bracket comma mr james kessler comma anton Brackets 1962 bracket, Mr. James Kessler, Anton Pearson, and a small group of interested persons from various committees in McPherson County. Reorganize the McPherson County Historical Society after it had been in hibernation for some 30 years. Bracket this also included. Doctor Emo Oh dear Bracket. The society has now functioned under various. functioned under varied leadership f.... Functioned under varied leadership for over two decades, which is beyond the average life expectancy of this type of organization. It was prominent and part. Had a part in the celebration. of the mcpherson county and mcpherso.... Of the McPherson County and McPherson City Sentinels, as well as Sentinels Centennials of several other communities in the county. During these years, several projects have enabled the organization to accumulate some $9000. which has been designated to assist in the financing of Which has been designated to assist in the financing of a publication of a McPherson County historical. History. At some time in the future bracket. Did not happen. Bracket. through a number of historical proje Through a number of historical projects, programs, tours and other activities, the Society has helped to make the average county citizen. more aware of and more interested in.... More aware of and more interested in preserving our heritage Period. To continue accomplishing this goal is the future. In the future will require the interest and assistance of concerned citizens from all areas of McPherson County.
the mcpherson county historical The McPherson County Historical Society has established a goal for the 1983. Dash 4 year. Of securing. at least 5 members in each of the 20 5 townships of the county comma At least five members in each of the 25 townships of the county, as well as in the eight incorporated cities of the county. We would like to invite you to come to be one of the members to help achieve this goal. Will you accept this challenge?? Annual dues as this is to society are as follows.: Regular member. dash 1 dollar per person sustaining Dash $1.00 per person Sustaining member. Dash $25 per person contributing member. Dash $10 per person Life member Dash $100 per person.
The membership. From each Township. reaching Reaching their goal will be given special recognition at the annual banquet of the county Historical organizations this fall. please complete the form at the bott.... Please complete the form at the bottom of this letter, clip it and return it with your check in the enclosed Self Address envelope.
The next meeting of the Society will be held on Saturday, May 7th at 2:00 PM at the McPherson Museum., 1130 E. LQ claude E LQ Claude Euclid. The program is entitled, Early inventions in McPherson County. Quote. Dash, Dash. Speaker will be Ed DWD. E DW period C period elmquist comma EDW. C. Elmquist, Lindsborg. the public is invited period if you .... The public is invited. If you know of others who may be interested in membership in the society, show them this letter and encourage them to join also, especially if you feel they are interested in preserving our local history.
We would like. no no we would also like to inform you that the mcpherson county No, no. We would also like to inform you that the McPherson County Historical Society is cooperating with. Doctor Raymond Flory FLORY, who is financing and publishing a very fine new Atlas of McPherson County. with a great deal of With a great deal of interesting information ever before published. Enclosed here with is an information sheet provided by Doctor. flori which describes the material included in Addition. To your personal check, payable to doctor. Raymond Florie FLORY, and also return it in the enclosed self dash addressed envelope. Please notice that the special. Pre publication price of $11.95. Up through April 30th. After which, after which time the price will be increased.
Thank you for your interest and participating in our efforts to preserve our local. Historical heritage.
Sincerely S. M. Dell, President
Lynn Linn Peterson Peterson, 1st Vice President.
The Old Mill Preservation Project of the 1980's to be added.
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~ Let Us Remember Them ~
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
~ Let Us Remember Them ~
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present