"The Other Swedes"
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Smoky Valley Writers ~
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Smoky Valley Writers ~
"Table of Contents"
“The Smoky Valley in the After Years"
Ruth Bergin Billdt & Elizabeth Jaderborg
from the
"Lindsborg, Efter Femtio Ӓr"
Rev. Alfred Bergin
Lindsborg News-Record: Printers and Publisher
"Lindsborg, Efter Femtio Ӓr" translates to "Lindsborg, Ater Fifty Years"
The 1919 Swedish version was compiled and written 50 years after the founding of Lindsborg and the Bethany Lutheran Church in 1969, and the translation to the 1965 English version was written 96 years after the foundings.
"Table of Contents"
“The Smoky Valley in the After Years"
Ruth Bergin Billdt & Elizabeth Jaderborg
from the
"Lindsborg, Efter Femtio Ӓr"
Rev. Alfred Bergin
Lindsborg News-Record: Printers and Publisher
"Lindsborg, Efter Femtio Ӓr" translates to "Lindsborg, Ater Fifty Years"
The 1919 Swedish version was compiled and written 50 years after the founding of Lindsborg and the Bethany Lutheran Church in 1969, and the translation to the 1965 English version was written 96 years after the foundings.
"If our culture is to survive, somewhere there must be a meeting place for the minds of the generations.
Such a place can be found in this volume."
-- Mrs. Elizabeth Jaderborg: Preface, page 3, first paragraph
"If our culture is to survive, somewhere there must be a meeting place for the minds of the generations.
Such a place can be found in this volume."
-- Mrs. Elizabeth Jaderborg: Preface, page 3, first paragraph
Note that no "Table of Contents" existed in this book.
Therefore, lists of every topic heading and every photograph description has been with page numbers.
There was no time to organize this correctly.
Note that no "Table of Contents" existed in this book.
Therefore, lists of every topic heading and every photograph description has been with page numbers.
There was no time to organize this correctly.
by Ruth Billdt and Elizabeth Jaderborg..............…....……………………………………………..………….………..3
by Alfred Bergin, Lindsborg, Kansas, New Year’s Day, 1919..............................................……………..………..5
Part One - After Fifty Years.......................................................................................................................7
The Olden Days by Dr. Alfred Bergin, Joshua 4:20-24......……………….............................................…………...7
Historical Data by Alfred Bergin…...………………………………………………………………………….……........11
Origin of Bethany Congregation and its First Two Pastors by Eric Norelius, President of the Augustana Synod......................................................................................................................................................................14
Dr. Olsson About Lindsborg and Our Synod…………........…………………………………….……………………16
Dr. Carl Swensson About Kansas……………………….…………………….........…………………………………...16
Dr. Olof Olsson as a person and Pastor by Anna Berg…………………….........……..........……………………………...17
Memories from the Olsson Period by Francis Johnson………...........…….............…….………………………. 20
The Pioneer Period in Salemsborg and Fremont by Carl J. Stromquist….................……………………..……23
Page 24 has not titles.
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 24
First Lindsborg Post Office, Dec. 1, 1869 (C. F. Norstrom's Home, 1868); Church in Lindsborg, 1869 (On The Carlson Farm); Church in Lindsborg, 1874; Pastor and Mrs. Olof Olsson; Main Street, Lindsborg, 1870; Dr. J. A. Udden; Main Street Lindsborg, 1878.
Church in Lindsborg, 1880; Fifty Years in Lindsborg: A Group of Most of The Surviving First Citizens (1919)
J. P. Stromquist Story……………….......……………………………........……...................…………………………..26
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 28
First Three Pastors of Bethany Church: Dr. Olof Olsson, The Community's Founder, Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson, Dr. Alfred Bergin
The Bergin Family: Adelle, Mrs. Bergin, Dr. Bergin, Ruth, Esther; Bethany Lutheran Church, Lindsborg, Kansas; Bethany Church Interior, 1904.
Salemsborg by Pastor Gustaf Erikson……………………………………..............................……………………....29
Our Pastors by Prof Birger Sandzén……………………………………………………......……….………………….36
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 36
Bethany Church Trustees; Smoky Hill Ministerial Association; Bethany Church Deacons.
Durning Services in The Early Days; Bethany Church, 1904; During Services, 1919; After Services, 1919; Custodian of Bethany Church and Family: N. G. Örnquist, Nora, Esther, Lily, Mrs. Örnquist; Board of Directors, Bethany College.
Carl Swensson………………….…......................................................................…………………………………….39
Dr. Alfred Bergin.....................................................................................................................................................40
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 40
Freemount's Second Church (Burned in 1926); First Church in Freemount, Built in 1870;
FREEMOUNT PASTORS: 1. A. W. Dahlsten, 2. J. Seleen, 3. Olof Olsson, 4. J. P. Aurelius;
5. J. C. Danielson; Freemount Church Board in 1919.
SALEMSBORG PASTORS: A. W. Dahlsten, C. Walleen, E. P. Karleen; Salemsborg Church Board and Wives, 1919; Church in Salemsborg (Burned in 1925); Pastor Gustaf Erikson.
Messiah Congregation by Dr. Ernst F. Pihlblad….........………………………………………….............………….41
Alfred Bergin by Pastor Erland Anderson........................................................................................................................42
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 44
Old Peoples Home, Lindsborg, Kansas; Messiah Church; Mariadahl Children's Home, 1919; Swedish Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, 1919; Messiah Church Board, 1919.
OFFICERS OF THE KANSAS CONFERENCE: Dr. Alfred Bergin, President, Dr. A. L. Scott, Vice President; A. W. Lindquist, Secretary; John F. Ahil, Treasurer; Dr. J. E. Welin, Secretary of The Congregation, 1919; Dr. Gustaf Andreen, President of Augustana Seminary, 1919; Dr. G. A. Brandelle, Augustana Synod President, 1919.
Bethany College, 1919; President's Family: Helge, Mrs. Pihlblad, Dr. Pihlblad, Terrance; Dr. Ernst Pihlblad, President of Bethany College, 1904-1943.
The Messiah Chorus at Camp Funston, 1918 (The 89th Division); The Military Guard at Bethany College; Main Street, Lindsborg, 1919.
Short Biographical Notes by Dr. Alfred Bergin (over 230 persons)...................................................................46
History of the Congregation ………………………………………………………………......……………………...….47
1909 ………...……………………..…………....……………………………………………………………………….…....47
1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917,1918 …………............……………………………...……….…..…48
Mission Consciousness ………………….……………………………………...…………………………………….....49
Lindsborg’s Other Churches …………………………………………………………………………….………............50
Community Life ………………………………………………………………………………...............………………….50
The Old Pietism …………………………………………………………………………...................…………………....51
Page 52 has not titles.
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 52
Messiah Festival Crowds Arriving by Special Trains; The Messiah Chorus in Ling Auditorium, Notables who have appeared in Lindsborg's Messiah Festival
Home Guard; S. A. T. C. (Student Army Training Corps.), Chaplain A. R. Hedstrom; Nov. 11, 1918 [Armistice ending WWI].
Old Missionary Society (note perfection of cut sandstone); Ruth Bergin Billdt; Johannes and Mariastina Bergin (Dr. Alfred Bergin's parents)
MAP:The Swedish Settlements in Central Kansas, (Gea A. Root, Del., 1910).
Prosperity and Comfort……………………………...…………………………………………………………………… 53
Our Relationship to Sweden………………………...…………………………………………..………………………. 55
Our Soldiers by Adele Bergin, A.B., B.M., M. M., Custodian of our Service Flag……….……………….……...56
Bethany Church…………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………57
Messiah Lutheran………………..……..……………………………………………………….………………................57
Mission Covenant…………..…………………………………………………………………………………………........57
Methodist Church…….......………………..................…………………………………………………………………...57
Baptist Church………………………………………………………………………………………………......................57
S.A.T.C. Boys from our community………...………………………………………………………………...………….57
Others from Here………………………………………………………………………………………………....…………57
World War I..............................................................................................................................................................58
Our Deacons by Francis Johnson……………..……………………………………………………………...…………58
Our Trustees by Pheneas Peterson, V.S……………………………………………………………………….……… 59
Our Youth by Anna Albertina Carlson……………………………………....……………………………………….….60
Our Schools……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…62
Swedish Influence in Lindsborg by Professor G. A. Peterson (“Swede Pete”)………………………………....64
Reflections Concerning Bethany College and Lindsborg by Dr. Ernst F. Pihlblad………………………….….67
Something About Lindsborg’s Art Life by Prof. Birger Sandzén………......................................................…..70
The Department of Art…………………………………….………………………………………………………………..70
Bethany’s Art Exhibits……………………………………………………………………………………………….……..71
Art Collections……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….72
Art and Music in Lindsborg by Prof. Hagbard Brase…………………………………………...………………...….73
Publications and Newspapers by Arthur Skytte…………………………………………………………..…………..75
Lindsburg Localist, Lindsborg Posten, Lindsborg News-Record, The Lindsborg News, Lindsborg Record,
Bethany Messenger, Bethany Bulletin, Kansas Missions Tidning……...…………………………………………75
Lindsborg Business Life by former Mayor C.F. Rosine……………………..……………………………………….76
Climate and Health Conditions by Prof. Emil O. Deere………………………………………………….........……..79
Memories of My Sojourn in Lindsborg by Dr. J. A. Udden………………………………………………......……...80
Memories from Lindsborg by Frank Nelson……………………………………………………………………………85
Memories from My Sojourn in Lindsborg and Kansas by Dr. Emil Lund………....…………………………….. 86
Kansas………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………….. 86
Smoky Hill Valley, McPherson and Salina Districts…………….…………………….………………………………88
Our Spiritual Life by C. F. Carlbert……………………………………………………....……………………………….93
The Christian Training of Our Children by Miss Lillie Swenson, A.B…………………….………………………..94
Our Prayer Meetings by Francis Johnson………………………………………………………..…………………… 95
The Congregation in Fremont, Kansas by Pastor J. P. Aurelius, M.T.D………………………...…………………96
Kansas Conference History by Dr. Alfred Bergin……………………………………………………..……………..101
The Smoky River Valley poem by Clarence W. Thorwald…………………………………………………………..106
Our Charitable Institutions by Pastor Erland Anderson……………………………………………..……………..107
Our Children’s Home………………………………………………………...........…………………………...…………107
The Swedish Hospital…………………………………………………………..………………………………..............107
Mission Cottage and Old People’s Home in Denver, Colorado…………………………………………………...108
Old People’s Home…………………………………………………….........………………………………………….…108
Mariadahl District by Pastor Wm. Eldien……………………………………………………….....…………………..109
Salina District by Dr. J.E. Liljedahl……………………………………………………………………........................113
Enterprise and Smolan……………………………………………………………………………………………………113
Marion Hill…………………………………………………………………………………….………………………….....113
Falun……............................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………114 Western Kansas...……………………………..……………………………......…………………………………………114
McPherson District by Dr. G. A. Dorf………………………...........…………………………………..………………114
Free Mount………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….115
Bethany, Lindsborg……………………………………………………………………………………………..……….. 115
New Gottland……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………115
New Andover………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….115
Hebron, Burdick………..…………………………………..…………………………………………………………..….115
Bethel, Galva………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………….115
Messiah, Lindsborg……………………………………………………………………….………………………………116
Oklahoma City…………………………………………………………………………………….………………………..116
Kansas City District by Pastor Victor Spong…………………………………………………...…………………….116
Our Lutheran Church in Texas by Pres. Theodore Seashore……………………………...………………………118
Mission Activity……………………………………………..……………………………………………………………. 119
School Activity……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 121
Luther League………………………………………………………………………………....………………………….. 122
Women’s Organizations………………………………………………………………………………………………….122
Colorado District by Dr. G. A. Brandelle…………………………..…………………………………………………..122
Church – Mindedness within the Kansas Conference by Dr. E. P. Olsson…………………………………......124
The Relationship of the Augustana Lutheran Church to the Other Lutheran Churches in this Country by
Dr. G. A. Brandelle………………………………………………………………………………………………………....127
by Ruth Billdt and Elizabeth Jaderborg..............…....……………………………………………..………….………..3
by Alfred Bergin, Lindsborg, Kansas, New Year’s Day, 1919..............................................……………..………..5
Part One - After Fifty Years.......................................................................................................................7
The Olden Days by Dr. Alfred Bergin, Joshua 4:20-24......……………….............................................…………...7
Historical Data by Alfred Bergin…...………………………………………………………………………….……........11
Origin of Bethany Congregation and its First Two Pastors by Eric Norelius, President of the Augustana Synod......................................................................................................................................................................14
Dr. Olsson About Lindsborg and Our Synod…………........…………………………………….……………………16
Dr. Carl Swensson About Kansas……………………….…………………….........…………………………………...16
Dr. Olof Olsson as a person and Pastor by Anna Berg…………………….........……..........……………………………...17
Memories from the Olsson Period by Francis Johnson………...........…….............…….………………………. 20
The Pioneer Period in Salemsborg and Fremont by Carl J. Stromquist….................……………………..……23
Page 24 has not titles.
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 24
First Lindsborg Post Office, Dec. 1, 1869 (C. F. Norstrom's Home, 1868); Church in Lindsborg, 1869 (On The Carlson Farm); Church in Lindsborg, 1874; Pastor and Mrs. Olof Olsson; Main Street, Lindsborg, 1870; Dr. J. A. Udden; Main Street Lindsborg, 1878.
Church in Lindsborg, 1880; Fifty Years in Lindsborg: A Group of Most of The Surviving First Citizens (1919)
J. P. Stromquist Story……………….......……………………………........……...................…………………………..26
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 28
First Three Pastors of Bethany Church: Dr. Olof Olsson, The Community's Founder, Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson, Dr. Alfred Bergin
The Bergin Family: Adelle, Mrs. Bergin, Dr. Bergin, Ruth, Esther; Bethany Lutheran Church, Lindsborg, Kansas; Bethany Church Interior, 1904.
Salemsborg by Pastor Gustaf Erikson……………………………………..............................……………………....29
Our Pastors by Prof Birger Sandzén……………………………………………………......……….………………….36
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 36
Bethany Church Trustees; Smoky Hill Ministerial Association; Bethany Church Deacons.
Durning Services in The Early Days; Bethany Church, 1904; During Services, 1919; After Services, 1919; Custodian of Bethany Church and Family: N. G. Örnquist, Nora, Esther, Lily, Mrs. Örnquist; Board of Directors, Bethany College.
Carl Swensson………………….…......................................................................…………………………………….39
Dr. Alfred Bergin.....................................................................................................................................................40
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 40
Freemount's Second Church (Burned in 1926); First Church in Freemount, Built in 1870;
FREEMOUNT PASTORS: 1. A. W. Dahlsten, 2. J. Seleen, 3. Olof Olsson, 4. J. P. Aurelius;
5. J. C. Danielson; Freemount Church Board in 1919.
SALEMSBORG PASTORS: A. W. Dahlsten, C. Walleen, E. P. Karleen; Salemsborg Church Board and Wives, 1919; Church in Salemsborg (Burned in 1925); Pastor Gustaf Erikson.
Messiah Congregation by Dr. Ernst F. Pihlblad….........………………………………………….............………….41
Alfred Bergin by Pastor Erland Anderson........................................................................................................................42
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 44
Old Peoples Home, Lindsborg, Kansas; Messiah Church; Mariadahl Children's Home, 1919; Swedish Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, 1919; Messiah Church Board, 1919.
OFFICERS OF THE KANSAS CONFERENCE: Dr. Alfred Bergin, President, Dr. A. L. Scott, Vice President; A. W. Lindquist, Secretary; John F. Ahil, Treasurer; Dr. J. E. Welin, Secretary of The Congregation, 1919; Dr. Gustaf Andreen, President of Augustana Seminary, 1919; Dr. G. A. Brandelle, Augustana Synod President, 1919.
Bethany College, 1919; President's Family: Helge, Mrs. Pihlblad, Dr. Pihlblad, Terrance; Dr. Ernst Pihlblad, President of Bethany College, 1904-1943.
The Messiah Chorus at Camp Funston, 1918 (The 89th Division); The Military Guard at Bethany College; Main Street, Lindsborg, 1919.
Short Biographical Notes by Dr. Alfred Bergin (over 230 persons)...................................................................46
History of the Congregation ………………………………………………………………......……………………...….47
1909 ………...……………………..…………....……………………………………………………………………….…....47
1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917,1918 …………............……………………………...……….…..…48
Mission Consciousness ………………….……………………………………...…………………………………….....49
Lindsborg’s Other Churches …………………………………………………………………………….………............50
Community Life ………………………………………………………………………………...............………………….50
The Old Pietism …………………………………………………………………………...................…………………....51
Page 52 has not titles.
PHOTOGRAPHS after page 52
Messiah Festival Crowds Arriving by Special Trains; The Messiah Chorus in Ling Auditorium, Notables who have appeared in Lindsborg's Messiah Festival
Home Guard; S. A. T. C. (Student Army Training Corps.), Chaplain A. R. Hedstrom; Nov. 11, 1918 [Armistice ending WWI].
Old Missionary Society (note perfection of cut sandstone); Ruth Bergin Billdt; Johannes and Mariastina Bergin (Dr. Alfred Bergin's parents)
MAP:The Swedish Settlements in Central Kansas, (Gea A. Root, Del., 1910).
Prosperity and Comfort……………………………...…………………………………………………………………… 53
Our Relationship to Sweden………………………...…………………………………………..………………………. 55
Our Soldiers by Adele Bergin, A.B., B.M., M. M., Custodian of our Service Flag……….……………….……...56
Bethany Church…………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………57
Messiah Lutheran………………..……..……………………………………………………….………………................57
Mission Covenant…………..…………………………………………………………………………………………........57
Methodist Church…….......………………..................…………………………………………………………………...57
Baptist Church………………………………………………………………………………………………......................57
S.A.T.C. Boys from our community………...………………………………………………………………...………….57
Others from Here………………………………………………………………………………………………....…………57
World War I..............................................................................................................................................................58
Our Deacons by Francis Johnson……………..……………………………………………………………...…………58
Our Trustees by Pheneas Peterson, V.S……………………………………………………………………….……… 59
Our Youth by Anna Albertina Carlson……………………………………....……………………………………….….60
Our Schools……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…62
Swedish Influence in Lindsborg by Professor G. A. Peterson (“Swede Pete”)………………………………....64
Reflections Concerning Bethany College and Lindsborg by Dr. Ernst F. Pihlblad………………………….….67
Something About Lindsborg’s Art Life by Prof. Birger Sandzén………......................................................…..70
The Department of Art…………………………………….………………………………………………………………..70
Bethany’s Art Exhibits……………………………………………………………………………………………….……..71
Art Collections……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….72
Art and Music in Lindsborg by Prof. Hagbard Brase…………………………………………...………………...….73
Publications and Newspapers by Arthur Skytte…………………………………………………………..…………..75
Lindsburg Localist, Lindsborg Posten, Lindsborg News-Record, The Lindsborg News, Lindsborg Record,
Bethany Messenger, Bethany Bulletin, Kansas Missions Tidning……...…………………………………………75
Lindsborg Business Life by former Mayor C.F. Rosine……………………..……………………………………….76
Climate and Health Conditions by Prof. Emil O. Deere………………………………………………….........……..79
Memories of My Sojourn in Lindsborg by Dr. J. A. Udden………………………………………………......……...80
Memories from Lindsborg by Frank Nelson……………………………………………………………………………85
Memories from My Sojourn in Lindsborg and Kansas by Dr. Emil Lund………....…………………………….. 86
Kansas………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………….. 86
Smoky Hill Valley, McPherson and Salina Districts…………….…………………….………………………………88
Our Spiritual Life by C. F. Carlbert……………………………………………………....……………………………….93
The Christian Training of Our Children by Miss Lillie Swenson, A.B…………………….………………………..94
Our Prayer Meetings by Francis Johnson………………………………………………………..…………………… 95
The Congregation in Fremont, Kansas by Pastor J. P. Aurelius, M.T.D………………………...…………………96
Kansas Conference History by Dr. Alfred Bergin……………………………………………………..……………..101
The Smoky River Valley poem by Clarence W. Thorwald…………………………………………………………..106
Our Charitable Institutions by Pastor Erland Anderson……………………………………………..……………..107
Our Children’s Home………………………………………………………...........…………………………...…………107
The Swedish Hospital…………………………………………………………..………………………………..............107
Mission Cottage and Old People’s Home in Denver, Colorado…………………………………………………...108
Old People’s Home…………………………………………………….........………………………………………….…108
Mariadahl District by Pastor Wm. Eldien……………………………………………………….....…………………..109
Salina District by Dr. J.E. Liljedahl……………………………………………………………………........................113
Enterprise and Smolan……………………………………………………………………………………………………113
Marion Hill…………………………………………………………………………………….………………………….....113
Falun……............................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………114 Western Kansas...……………………………..……………………………......…………………………………………114
McPherson District by Dr. G. A. Dorf………………………...........…………………………………..………………114
Free Mount………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….115
Bethany, Lindsborg……………………………………………………………………………………………..……….. 115
New Gottland……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………115
New Andover………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….115
Hebron, Burdick………..…………………………………..…………………………………………………………..….115
Bethel, Galva………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………….115
Messiah, Lindsborg……………………………………………………………………….………………………………116
Oklahoma City…………………………………………………………………………………….………………………..116
Kansas City District by Pastor Victor Spong…………………………………………………...…………………….116
Our Lutheran Church in Texas by Pres. Theodore Seashore……………………………...………………………118
Mission Activity……………………………………………..……………………………………………………………. 119
School Activity……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 121
Luther League………………………………………………………………………………....………………………….. 122
Women’s Organizations………………………………………………………………………………………………….122
Colorado District by Dr. G. A. Brandelle…………………………..…………………………………………………..122
Church – Mindedness within the Kansas Conference by Dr. E. P. Olsson…………………………………......124
The Relationship of the Augustana Lutheran Church to the Other Lutheran Churches in this Country by
Dr. G. A. Brandelle………………………………………………………………………………………………………....127
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The following persons are especially acknowledged for pictures contributed to Part Two of this volume: Hugo Shogren, Abner Lundquist, Carl Frantz, Sr., Mildred Billing Johnson, and Bethany College for collections removed from Old Main by the Smoky Valley Historical Association. Acknowledgement is also made for the use of the Dr. Emil Deere collections and for various other private collections too numerous to mention…………………………………………………………………………………132
Note that in the "Table of Contents" --
Part One: After Fifty Years is where the translation is found.
Part Two: From the Files come directly for the compilation of such files by Elizabeth Jaderborg, Secretary of the Smoky Valley Historical Association, Lindsborg, Kansas.
Part Two – From the File ......................................................................................................................133
The Smoky Hill poem by Sam Boston, Marquette (Langley), Kansas…………………………………………...133
The First Europeans in Kansas: Coronado and the Spanish Conquistadores by Kermit Moline…………134
Lindsborg and Coronaod Heights by G. N. Malm…………………………………………………………………...137
Historical Pageant Presented at Lindsborg, Kansas, Friday, October 3rd, 1924.
Our Honored Guests: The Pioneers of The Smoky Hill Valley
(Written by G.N. Malm)…………………………………………………………………….......................…......…………………..140
History of the West Kentuck Area
(Excavation and Restoration of the Ananias Ebaugh Dugout) by Brent Ebaugh, David Larson and Randy Frost......................................................................................................................................................................141
In Search of Hope by Daniel Swenson, Lindsborg , Kansas March 15, 1968……………………….....……….145
Luxury Abandoned………………………………………………………………..........…………………………………145 Reward for Valor……………………………………….....................……………………………………………………146
From Swedish Elegance to American Rattlesnakes…………………………………………………………...……146
Peasant in Search of Hope………………………………………………………………………......…………………..147
From Swedish Poverty to American Affluence………………………………………………………………..……..148
The Start of a New Generation………………………………………………………....…………………………….....148
PHOTOGRAPHS After page 148
Bethany Church Around 1900; John Swenson's Sandstone House; Smoky Valley Dugout, unique in frontier architecture; Ananias Ebaugh's Dugout, 1968 (Dave Larson, Randy Frost, Brent Ebaugh)
Threshing; Close-up of the wheel on the steam tractor; One day's catch of ducks from "The Basin;" Using horses and drags to dig the Kibin basement; When fur business was good.
Old Swedish Windmill, Lawrence (From Prärieblomman, 1912) Freemount Church Interior (Replica of altar and rail made from old pews) Rostad -- An estate 1 mile east of Lindsborg containing oldest building (log cabin) in McPherson County; Björndyke.
Henry Lungstrom's "Homemade" Train; Skrikkarror -- The "Screeching Carts" were made of oak stumps. Holes were bored into the axels which were also made of wood. Drawn by Oxen. Barnstormers [plane taking off] on the 4th of July in Charlie Ferm's Pasture. Left side drawings and text: The Covered Wagon Era; Rubber Tire Buggy Days; Advent of the High Wheel Bicycle; Modern Automobile.
Stones of Rock and Ice………...…………………………………………………………………………………………149
The Timberland Aristocrat……………………………..……………………………………………………………….. 149
Olive, Again…………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………….150
Success in Minnesota…………………………………………………...………………………………………………..150
Grandpa Shot A Bear……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………150
A Dream’s End…………………………........................................……………………………………………………..151
An Afterword…………………………………………………………………………….………………………………….151
The Life of Immigrants in McPherson County in Direct Connection with Family Ancestors by Tim Glendenning, Lindsborg, Kansas, March 20, 1968……………………..…………………………………………...152
The Lamer Family, Published by the Salina Advertiser, 1935……………………………………….....………….153
Page 154 has no titles.
PHOTOGRAPHS After page 154
SKETCHES OF EARLY ROXBURY by Ray Christiansen: A view of the Mammel and Lilly Stores from the East (1910): The Nel Jacobson Blacksmith Shop (formerly the John Sampson Blacksmith Shop); The Mammel Store (1907)
ROXBURY sketches continued: The John Knowles Skimming Station; The Rick Burch Telephone Company; Roxbury Grade School (1890) The B. B. Gates Store and Hotel.
An Emigrant Agent's Advertisement: 1. For unmarried women; 2. For families; 3. For bachelors;
A. Thompson and His Letter to Sweden [handwritten in Swedish]
1. Preaching Service for Emigrants During the 1800s Outside the Old Custom House in Gothenburg.
2. An Emigrant Ship Receives Its Passengers.
3. A More Realistic Description of How It Actually Looked on Board an Emigrant Ship a Little Over a Century Ago.
Bjorndyke – Lindsborg’s Gold Mine by Jim Abercrombie………………………………………………………....155
Notes by Eric Sundgren………………………………………………………………………………………………….155
Life History by Mrs. Carolina (John) Nelson, August 18, 1934—90 years, 2 months……………...………….157
Mrs. Train’s Story (Lindsborg News-Record Clipping – undated) Our Pioneers – Mrs. Christina Train.….159
Francis Johnson…………………....……………………………………………………………………………………. 160
PHOTOGRAPHS After page 160
Holmberg's Castle; L. N. Holmberg, age about 68; Johnstown; Capt. L. N. Holmberg, age about 38.
Pheonix Drug Store: "The Localist" was the first newspaper printed in Lindsborg (also first in English.) South Main Street, 1880.
Lincoln Street [Peterson & Anderson Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Etc. Dealers in Drugs]; Herman Olson's Barber Shop.
Salemsborg Church on Fire, 1926.
Axel Billing, Pioneer, Builder and Contractor of Lindsborg by Roy Brady, Lindsborg News-Record,
John Eric Welin by Emil O. Deere…….…………………………………………………………………….................163
R. A. Thompson. From Swedish newspaper, Mongontidninggen, Saturday, 13, Nov., 1937. (Translated by Ruth Billdt, 1968)……………………………………………………………………………………...…………..……….164
Sweadal and Major Holmberg by Ernst Skarstedt, translated by Ruth Billdt
From Svensk Amerikanska Folket Bjorch och Borjesson, Stockholm, 1917, pp 362-364.............................165
Nicolaus (Nils) Ӓkesson (Major L. N. Holmberg)………………………………………...…………………………..166
PHOTOGRAPHS After page 166
Early Farmstead; Dr. Olsson's Homestead; Dugout Farmstead.
4th Class Band, Bethany Academy; First Band in Lindsborg, (1878).
Twin Mounds Shelter House; Early Parade Entry, 4th of July; Calling Card [Antiseptic Barber Shop, North Main, Lindsborg Kansas, Joe Anderson, Proprietor]
Bethany Band Lindsborg, Charles Wagstrom (?), Dir.; Freemount Band; Western Amateur Band.
Sweadal by Selma Lind…………………………………………………………………………………………………..167
Letter to Dr. Alfred Bergin from Louise Anderson Swanstrom, (Mrs. Ed) to Dr. Alfred Bergin…..……...……168
Lindsborg Vignettes from City School Scrapbook for Prince Wilhelm (1927), Claus Fredrick Norstrom...168
Experiences of Pioneers……………………........………………………………………………………………………169
A True Story of the Pioneers...............................................................................................................................169
The Dugout…………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………… 170
PHOTOGRAPHS After page 170
Threshing; Char Stack.
Carpenter Shop; Butchering; Emil Swanson and Axel Billing.
Swedish Baptist Church; Faced [Facing?] Lincoln Street; Smoky Valley Roller Mills and the Cheese Factory.
Coronado Heights: The Olsson Trail; Swensson Road; Lindsborg Around, 1900.
A Cheese Party……………………………….………………………………………………………………………….…171
A Singing School…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..171
A Past Industry………………………………………………………………………....………………………………….172
Laura poem by Axel Lundgren, translated by Clarence W. Thorwald……………………………………………172
The Invention and Development of the Dial Telephone: The Contribution of Three Lindsborg Inventors by Emory Lindquist (Permission from the Kansas Historical Quarterly, Spring 1957).......…………....…....173
The Machinist by Clarence W. Thorwald………………….....………………………………………………………..176
A Pre-World War 1 (U.S. Involvement) Reflections from Sweden………………………………….……………..177
The Swedish Pavilion by Selma Lind………………………………………….……………………………………….179
Sweden’s House in St. Louis “Sveriges hus i St. Louis” From Prairieblomman by Anders Schon p115...180
The Dust Bowl Days by C. R. Peterson……………………...............……...............……………………………… 181
Svensk Hyllningsfest (From Dr. Holwerda’s Scrapbook, Lindsborg, Kansas……………………...........…… 182
PHOTOGRAPHS After page 182
Karlstad Cathedral, 1968; Dr. Olof Olsson; Francis Johnson; Bethany Church.
Dr. Swensson's Wedding Picture; Dr. Swensson and Dr. Nelander -- Bethany College founder, first president; First College Building.
Dr. Carl Swensson and Family; Old Main, Auditorium for the Messiah Concerts; Dr. Swensson's Family About 1884.
Old Main, Side and Back; Old Main--Very Early Picture.
Page 183 has not titles.
Homespun Fun in Swedish Christmas, Lindsborg News-Record (Republished by permission of the
Kansas Farmer………………........................................................................................................................…….184
Pages 185 - 186 have no titles.
PHOTOGRAPHS After page 186
Academy (Swensson) Street (looking east); Ling Auditorium, Architect's Plans; Bethany Track Team (Carl O. Lincoln, starter); Ling Gym Under Construction, 1893.
A Pose For . . . Swedish Sea Captains and Bergsmen . . . ; Swedish-American College Presidents Building Carnegie Libraries . . . ; . . . and Others.
Bethany Art Department In The Two-Room Academy Building, 1898; [more recent with] Olof Grafstrom, teacher
Swedish Pavilion; Home Guard on Bethany Campus [2 photos].
Reminiscences of Early Pioneer Days by John Englund (from an unidentified newspaper story)...………187
My First Visit to Salemsborg by Gustaf Erikson………………………………………....................………………194
The Cross of the Pioneers by Carl G. Lindholm during Lent, 1943………………………………..……………..201
Johnstown by Marie Johnson Malm………………………………......……………………………………………….202
PHOTOGRAPHS After page 202
Bethany College About 1886; History Room in Old Main; Academy Class in Old Main;
Piano Studio, Rm. 101, Old Main.
Interior of Swedish Pavilion at St. Louis Fair; Swedish Pavilion at the St. Louis World's Fair, 1903-'04; The Press Wing on Press Day, St. Louis World's Fair, 1904.
Dr. Wm. Holwerda (center) 1941 Svensk Hyllnings Fest; Crowning the Svensk Hyllnings Fest Queen; Svensk Hyllnings Fest Dancer . . .
Valborgsmassoafton on April 30th; Lindsborg Swedish Dancers.
Gustaf Johnson by Marie Johnson Malm……………………………………………………………………………..203
Roxbury (In the Gypsum Creek Valley) by Ray Christiansen…………………………………………..………….205
Marquette by Marquette High School History Class, Superintendent D. E. Brubaker………………………..207
An Indian Story…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….208
The Sunken Treasure…………………………………………………………………………………..…………………208
The Crowning Calamity…………………………………………………………………………………………………..208
Random Notes………….……………………………………………………………………………….…………………208
The World at Large…………………………………………………............................…….......………………………210
A Black Night for Marquette, May 8, 1905……………………………………………………………………………..210
Ev. Elim Lutheran Church………………………………………………………………………….…………………….212
The Swedes and Hutchinson (Unidentified News Clipping)……………………………………………………....213
Mariadahl by Leona and Doris Velen……………………………………………………………...……………………214
The Struggle to Save the Valley…………………………………………………………………………………………215
The Lord Provides Strength……………………………………………………………………….…………………….216
Disposal of Church Property...............................................................................................................................216
The Final Service……………………………………………………………………………………….………………….216
A Reflection in the Present by Marie Johnson Malm………………………………………………….....…………217
A Century in the Smoky Valley, two poems: Bethany [Church] Centennial, by Rev. Clarence Thorwald, Lindsborg; The Valley of the Smoky Hill by Edith L. Houghton, RFD, Gypsum……………………………….219
ABOUT THE EDITORS . . . Ruth Bergin Billdt and Elizabeth Jaderborg.........................................................220
Pictures included in Part Two of this volume should be judged on their historical merit alone. Some were rescued from the city dump, some were printed in faded red tones. (a difficult type to reproduce), some are one-of-its-kind. We feel fortunate that, as difficult to see as some of them are, we were able to preserve then in this way. – Elizabeth Jaderborg…………………………………………………………………..220
Appendix Index to Part One: After Fifty Years……………………………………………………………………...i-v
Appendix: Annotation for Part Two: From the Files………………………………………………………..........vi-vii
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" Let Us Celebrate Them "
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of
www.swedesthewaytheywere.org. All rights reserved.
" Let Us Celebrate Them "
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of
www.swedesthewaytheywere.org. All rights reserved.