"The Other Swedes"
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Smoky Valley Writers ~
<> Celebrating the Augustana Synod Legacy <>
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Smoky Valley Writers ~
<> Celebrating the Augustana Synod Legacy <>
Rev. Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson
~ Prolific writer in America and Europe from approximately 1879 to 1904
~ Author of countless Swedish and English publications, newspapers, articles and books
for local, national and European readers
~ Prolific writer in America and Europe from approximately 1879 to 1904
~ Author of countless Swedish and English publications, newspapers, articles and books
for local, national and European readers
Rev. Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson
Bethany College Founder
Bethany College President
Bethany Lutheran Church Pastor
Knighted by the King of Sweden
He was an Augustana Lutheran Christian
Bethany College President
Bethany Lutheran Church Pastor
Knighted by the King of Sweden
He was an Augustana Lutheran Christian
From Dr. Emory Lindquist's Bethany in Kansas:
Swensson Authorship, Writings, Founder of Swedish American Newspapers on page 37
"The unfailing energy of Carl Swensson produced an amazing range and amount of work. Four books were written: I Sverige (1890), Ater I Sverge (1897), books of travel and commentary, Vid Hemmets Hard (1897), a large volume for the home, and I Morgonstund (1903), a devotional book which has been translated into English, In the Morning Hour (1927). He was a major contributor of two volumes: Forgat-Mig-Ej (1902) in Swedish and Forget-Me-Not (1902) in English, dealing largely with Bethany College and Christian education. He had an impressive role as an editor and co-editor of Korsbaneret in the 1880s, an Augustana Synod church annual, and of Ungdoms-Vannen, a bi-monthly journal for young people, 1879-1887. He was founder of Fosterlandet, a Swedish American weekly newspaper, and a contributor for twenty years. He was the founder of Lindsborgs-Posten in 1897, serving as editor for many years. He was closely identified with the Lindsborg Record, founded in 1896. He was a regular correspondent for Hemlandet, det Gamla och det Nya and Svenska-Tribunen, Chicago weekly newspapers. His column Vid Skrifbordet (“At the Writing Desk”) and his pseudonym, “Leopold,” were well-known in Swedish America. He was the founder and a contributor to the Bethany College publications, Framat, Budbararen, and the Bethany Messenger.
Again In Sweden
1898 Published, 638 Pages
Under Dr. Swensson until his February 1904 death,
a Bethany College yearly review was of great importance to him,
below are the two (2) such "yearly reviews"
that remained in the Sohlberg Deere Estate,
parts of which I used in Swedes.
Celebrating 15 Years of Bethany
1896 Published, 78 pages plus 18 pages of ads
This was Swensson's "1st" Bethany Annual - an experiment!
Celebrating 20 Years of Bethany
1902 Published, 160 Pages
For a REVIEW, go HERE;
go HERE to Yale University's Bethany Club,
go HERE to The King of Sweden's Emissary, 1901,
to "knight" founder and president of Bethany College Dr. Rev. Carl Aaron Swensson
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Brief Highlights on Rev. Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson
He was born near Sugar Grove, Pennsylvania
He was a Swedish Augustana Lutheran Christian
He received his undergraduate degree and Master of Arts Degree (MA) from Augustana College
He received his Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.) from Uppsala University, Sweden
the Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) from Thiel College and from Augustana College
A Bethany Lutheran Church Pastor, a Bethany Lutheran College Founder and President
An international traveler to Sweden, Scandinavia, the British Isles, the Continent
He received the Order of "Knights of the North Star" from King Oscar II in 1901
He was a pastor, educator, college founder and president, churchman
He was a founder of Swedish American newspapers, an editor, an author
He was a member of the Kansas legislature in the House of Representatives, 1889-1890
Public speaker of great renown
Promoter of art and music
“Messiah” tradition co-founder with Mrs. Alma Swensson
Friend of many
“The Colossus of the Plains”
“The Giant of Kansas”
“The Incomparable Dr. Swensson” *
Through his faith in and direction from God,
his work and leadership created the very foundation upon which
Bethany College still stands from 1881 to 2022
Brief Highlights on Rev. Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson
He was born near Sugar Grove, Pennsylvania
He was a Swedish Augustana Lutheran Christian
He received his undergraduate degree and Master of Arts Degree (MA) from Augustana College
He received his Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.) from Uppsala University, Sweden
the Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) from Thiel College and from Augustana College
A Bethany Lutheran Church Pastor, a Bethany Lutheran College Founder and President
An international traveler to Sweden, Scandinavia, the British Isles, the Continent
He received the Order of "Knights of the North Star" from King Oscar II in 1901
He was a pastor, educator, college founder and president, churchman
He was a founder of Swedish American newspapers, an editor, an author
He was a member of the Kansas legislature in the House of Representatives, 1889-1890
Public speaker of great renown
Promoter of art and music
“Messiah” tradition co-founder with Mrs. Alma Swensson
Friend of many
“The Colossus of the Plains”
“The Giant of Kansas”
“The Incomparable Dr. Swensson” *
Through his faith in and direction from God,
his work and leadership created the very foundation upon which
Bethany College still stands from 1881 to 2022
To read more about this dynamic Swedish American leader, go HERE.
For the "saddest day" in Lindsborg's history on losing him, go HERE.
From Wikipedia, go HERE
* Source: Dr. Emory Lindquist's Bethany in Kansas
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"Let Us Celebrate Them"
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of
www.swedesthewaytheywere.org. All rights reserved.
"Let Us Celebrate Them"
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of
www.swedesthewaytheywere.org. All rights reserved.