"The Other Swedes"
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Smoky Valley Writers ~
Bror Carlsson & Alf Brorson
"He Gave God Glory" ~ "The Story of Olof Olsson"
~ Contents & Illustrations
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Smoky Valley Writers ~
Bror Carlsson & Alf Brorson
"He Gave God Glory" ~ "The Story of Olof Olsson"
~ Contents & Illustrations
Illustration ......................................................................................................................................................................................v
Original sketch of front cover illustration of Jag Sökte Icke Mitt, by the artist Axel Hennix, Värmland, 1953.
Illustration .......................................................................................................................................................................................x
"I do ot have a silver tongue nor a golden voice. I only have a normal human heart. Whatever this heart desires, whatever makes this heart rich, hopeful and happy -- that is what I sincerely speak to other
human beings." -- A photograph of handwriting
CHAPTER 1: A Humble Servant of the Lord...............................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 2: "God has so created a human being that no ties are stronger in his heart than the ties of home"...............2
"My small but happy childhood home." The Hedfallet cottage at Linneback, Karlskoga, where Olof Olsson was born. -- Artist Björn Östlund
Illustration ..............................................................................................................................................................7
Upsala Cathedral. -- Artist Petter Brorson
Illustration ..............................................................................................................................................................8
The old Brunskog stone church, built in the early 1700s. -- Artist Göran Hagegård
Illustration ...............................................................................................................................................................9
Landscape scene from Alga. -- Artist Björn Östlund
The cemetery at Skavnaset, Persberg. -- Artist Björn Östlund
Olof and Anna Olsson. -- Artist Petter Brorson
2 Illustrations..........................................................................................................................................................14 - A section of Sunnemo -- Artist Björn Östlund
- The old parsonage at Noretorp in Sunnemo. -- Artist Björn Östlund
The Sunnemo Church. -- Artist Björn Östlund
Illustration .........................................................................................................................................................18-19
Lindsborg in the Smoky Valley of Central Kansas. -- A photograph
CHAPTER 3: The Song of Messiah Peals Forth from the Prairie............................................................................................20
Illustration .............................................................................................................................................................23
The "first" church, near Lindsborg. Artist G. N. Malm
2 Illustrations..........................................................................................................................................................25
- The "second" church in Lindsborg. The building has over the years been restored and enlarged. It is the first unit of the present church. -- Artist Björn Östlund
- The parsonage in Lindsborg, "Olof Olsson's homestead." -- Artist Björn Östlund
Olof Olsson and his four children, Anna, Maria, Lydia and Hannes. -- Artist Petter Brorson
First and Second Old Main Buildings, Augustana College. -- Artist Petter Brorson
CHAPTER 4: At the Cross............................................................................................................................................................40
A bust of Rev. Dr. Olsson -- A photograph
"During the years following his visit to the United States, Bror Carlsson raised funds for the purchase of a bust of Olof Olsson. He did this by different means including giving lectures through Karlstad diocese.
"The bust, created by the sculptor Arvid Backlund, may be seen in Rock Island, Illinois, in Sunnemo, Sweden, and in Lindsborg, Kansas."
In the back yard of the home which Olof Olsson contracted to have built for his family and himself. From the left, Bror Carlsson with Olof Olsson's children, Hannes and Lydia. [A photo]
2 Illustrations.........................................................................................................................................................44
- Bror Carlsson at Olof Olsson's grave, 1951.
- Martin Ringstrom and Alf Brorson in Lindsborg, Kansas, Messiah Week, Easter of 1997
[2 photos]
Go HERE to "He Gave God Glory" - "The Story of Olof Olsson"
~ Transcriptions of "Translator's Foreword" "Foreword" "Acknowledgements" "Postscript."
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"Let Us Celebrate Them"
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of
www.swedesthewaytheywere.org. All rights reserved.
"Let Us Celebrate Them"
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of
www.swedesthewaytheywere.org. All rights reserved.