"The Other Swedes"
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Lindsborg Swedes, Their Neighbors & Friends ~
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Lindsborg Swedes, Their Neighbors & Friends ~
Dr. Arvin W. Hahn
Eighth Bethany College President
~ Remembering him handing me my Bethany College "Bachelor of Arts" Degree on Sunday, May 26,1968
Eighth Bethany College President
~ Remembering him handing me my Bethany College "Bachelor of Arts" Degree on Sunday, May 26,1968
- note the Swedish colors of the "blue and yellow" ribbons -
- note the insignia with the "Lamb" and the slanted "Cross" -
Note the Bethany College Official Seal at the top of my diploma. This Seal was decided upon in 1906 due to the far-reaching influence of its founder Dr. Rev. Carl Aaron Swensson. The sacred and powerful symbols of the Seal are "the Lamb" and behind it "the slanted Cross." These identify "the most intimate aspects of Christian faith and life" as written by Dr. Emory Lindquist in his 1953 Smoky Valley People, page 248. Beneath the Lamb and Cross symbols is written "Domini, Domino" - Latin for "Of the Lord, for the Lord." Lindquist continues, "The College Seal furnishes its own eloquent testimony as to the purposes and aims of Bethany College."
- note the embossed image of Old Main which would be razed the day after our 1968 graduation -
- note the Bethany College Founder and President Dr. Rev. Carl Aaron Swensson's Statue -
- note the embossed image of Old Main which would be razed the day after our 1968 graduation -
- note the Bethany College Founder and President Dr. Rev. Carl Aaron Swensson's Statue -
Old Main
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"Let Us Celebrate Them"
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
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