Scientist Emil O. Deere
(Deere & Lydia's Bethany -- Lydia's Photography, 1906 - 1925)
(Deere & Lydia's Bethany -- Lydia's Photography, 1906 - 1925)
Bethany College "College Street," today's "North First Street"
Parting from Lydia's photography for a moment is this grand and graceful shot from Lydia's contemporary professional photographer Albert N. Lundquist of Lindsborg's Lundquist Studio at 119 N. Main Street.
The car is entering the College campus through "The Gateway" on College Street from Olsson Street. After the construction of "The Gateway" to Bethany, College Street was to become a beautiful tree lined thoroughfare with the top bows of the trees creating a canopy over it from Olsson to Swensson Streets, most likely this was part of the "pioneer landscaping" work of the Bethany Campus Association.
Also, note the Bethany Academy building through the trees on the right barely visible! Lane Hart Hall can be seen through the trees on the left.
Olsson Street was named for the founder of Lindsborg and Bethany Lutheran Church, Pastor Rev. Olof Olsson; and Swensson Street was named for the founder of Bethany College, Dr. Rev. Carl A. Swensson. The name of College Street would eventually be changed to First Street. The surface of the streets were of dirt and eventually changed to asphalt.
College Street ended at Swensson Street, at the statue of Dr. Rev. Carl A. Swensson. The Statue, made of Italian marble ordered from Italy in 1904, can be seen below in the distance from Olsson Street.
Also, note the Bethany Academy building through the trees on the right barely visible! Lane Hart Hall can be seen through the trees on the left.
Olsson Street was named for the founder of Lindsborg and Bethany Lutheran Church, Pastor Rev. Olof Olsson; and Swensson Street was named for the founder of Bethany College, Dr. Rev. Carl A. Swensson. The name of College Street would eventually be changed to First Street. The surface of the streets were of dirt and eventually changed to asphalt.
College Street ended at Swensson Street, at the statue of Dr. Rev. Carl A. Swensson. The Statue, made of Italian marble ordered from Italy in 1904, can be seen below in the distance from Olsson Street.
- At Olsson and College Streets is the Gateway to Bethany -
- Just beyond "The Gateway" on College Street are Lydia's Lane Hart Hall Ladies -
In the background to our left is the barely visible Carnegie Library; on our right in the background is the Swedish Pavilion; directly behind the ladies is Old Main; and almost directly to our right, their left, not visible is their dormitory, Lane Hart Hall.
- On College Street -
- On College Street -
- The Sidewalk -
College Street
Go HERE to Bethany College's Campus Life.
- Today's College Street now North First Street -
Closed off to traffic a short walk from the Gateway to Bethany will bring you to the foot of the Swensson Statue.
(2011 Photographs)
Closed off to traffic a short walk from the Gateway to Bethany will bring you to the foot of the Swensson Statue.
(2011 Photographs)
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"Let Us Celebrate Them"
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of All rights reserved.
"Let Us Celebrate Them"
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of All rights reserved.