Scientist Emil O. Deere
<> Remembering the Bethany College Legacy Museum <>
Fossils Collection
~ From Old Main to the McPherson County Old Mill Museum, 1966
<> Remembering the Bethany College Legacy Museum <>
Fossils Collection
~ From Old Main to the McPherson County Old Mill Museum, 1966
~ "The Find"
Was in the Bethany College Museum Collection with plans to restore it. -- Deere
At some point, Deere must have sent this to another museum in Kansas before the 1966 move.
Was in the Bethany College Museum Collection with plans to restore it. -- Deere
At some point, Deere must have sent this to another museum in Kansas before the 1966 move.
A Fossil Tusk Found in the Equus Beds in McPherson County
Kansas Academy of Science Transaction (1903- ) by E. O. Deere Vol 21 (Dec., 1907) pp. 115-117
Courtesy of Mike Everhart, Editor of the Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, July 16, 2018
Kansas Academy of Science Transaction (1903- ) by E. O. Deere Vol 21 (Dec., 1907) pp. 115-117
Courtesy of Mike Everhart, Editor of the Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, July 16, 2018
Field trips in Kansas offered a variety of potential discoveries as not only had this State been covered by an inland sea, it was, and still is, a mecca for prehistoric finds such as the find shown below in the archeological dig of which Emil was part. "The Find" must have been shipped off eventually to some other museum in Kansas for it is not in the McPherson County Old Mil Museum where the Bethany College Museum Natural History Collection was headed in 1966.
These are "other finds" that were part of the Bethany College Museum Natural History Collection and are now at the McPherson County Old Mill Museum due to the 1966 move.
Information source: Dr. Leon Lungstrom's 1990 book, History of Natural Science and Mathematics at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas.
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
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