Artist Lydia Sohlberg Deere
Lydia writes of Tahoe: "Today I have seen my first mountain lake. It was celestial. It went far beyond my wildest dreams!"
-- c1926
Lydia's Art
- The California Collection -
1919 - 1938
Lydia writes of Tahoe: "Today I have seen my first mountain lake. It was celestial. It went far beyond my wildest dreams!"
-- c1926
Lydia's Art
- The California Collection -
1919 - 1938
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- S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a -
- Santa Monica Beach -
Ila Sohlberg; Frances, Lois, and Nina Sohlberg Fry
Ila Sohlberg; Frances, Lois, and Nina Sohlberg Fry
- Santa Monica -
1018 23rd Street
Frances and Lois Fry
- San Gabriel Mountains near Palm Springs -
Lydia's Title
Go HERE for the 2021 "California Desert Art" story by Palm Springs' Ann Japenga "Prairie Fire: Lydia Sohlberg Deere Discovers the Desert"
- San Gabriel Mountians near Palm Springs -
- Rugged California Coast Line -
Looking North - Up the Coast
Looking South - Down the Coast
- Pacific Ocean Waves -
- Pacific Ocean Waves -
[ II ]
[ II ]
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- N o r t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a -
- Sierra Nevada Lookout -
- Lake Tahoe -
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Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe
Post Card
Lydia writes:: "Today I have seen my first mountain lake. It was celestial. It went far beyond my wildest dreams."
- San Gabriel Mountians near Palm Springs -
"Desert Palms"
For The Sketches of California, with some of Texas and Arizona, go HERE.
For "The Kansas Collection," click on the painting.
For "The Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico Collection,"
click on the painting.
- Lydia Sohlberg Deere -
1873 - 1943
1873 - 1943
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"Let Us Celebrate Them"
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of All rights reserved.