Scientist Emil O. Deere
Deere's Education & Degrees
Class of 1902: Bethany College B. A. Degree
Class of 1907: Bethany College M.A. Degree
Class of 1911: University of Chicago M.S. Degree
Class of 1948: Upsala College of East Orange, New Jersey
The Doctor of Laws Degree
May 1955: Honored as Bethany College Professor Emeritus of Biology
May 1955: Honored as Kansas Association of College Deans “Dean Emeritus”
Class of 1902: Bethany College B. A. Degree
Class of 1907: Bethany College M.A. Degree
Class of 1911: University of Chicago M.S. Degree
Class of 1948: Upsala College of East Orange, New Jersey
The Doctor of Laws Degree
May 1955: Honored as Bethany College Professor Emeritus of Biology
May 1955: Honored as Kansas Association of College Deans “Dean Emeritus”
Deere's Education & Degrees
*From Professor Dr. Leon Lundstrom's book, we read the following:
"Professor Emil O. Deere completed his elementary school training and one year of high school in Olsburg. He also studied with a private tutor. During the winter term of 1886-1887 he attended the preparatory department of Kansas State Agricultural College in Manhattan (now Kansas State University), and in 1899 he enrolled in the third class of Bethany Academy upon the urgent solicitation of Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson, who was a personal friend of his parents from the days they met in Moline, Illinois. During the year 1901-1902 he attended the St. Louis Manual Training School in Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. He was sent there by Dr. Carl Arron Swensson for special studies to prepare for technical work and teaching at Bethany College. During 1902-1904 as a student in college, he served as student assistant in Mechanical Drawing and Mathematics in the Academy and part-time teaching in the College. During 1904 he received the B.A. degree in Physico-Mathematics from Bethany College. Bethany College granted him the M.A. degree in 1907, and for this study he prepared a thesis on the Geology of Study in the Area of the Smoky Valley Buttes.
"During the summer of 1905 Professor Deere and Professor H.N. Olson attended summer school at the University of Colorado in Boulder. During the following year, 1906, Deere attended summer school at Kansas University in Lawrence. He attended summer school at the University of Chicago during the summers of 1909, 1910, 1911 and received the M.S. degree from that institution at the end of the summer of 1911. Upon completion of this degree he was offered attractive positions in several larger schools, but he declined and remained loyal to his alma mater in Lindsborg. He intended to complete studies for the Ph. D. degree and spent the summer of 1912, 1913 and 1928 at the University of Chicago. Dr. Anton Carlson, professor in physiology at the university, recognized Deere as a man with outstanding ability, and thus gained a high respect for his student. However, due to events that diverted his education goal, Deere did not even complete the entire program for the terminal degree. His accomplishments and abilities were recognized. Upsala College in East Orange, New Jersey, in the spring of 1948 conferred the honorary degree, LL.D., upon him. Few men were ever more deserving of the doctorate than this loyal, hard-working intellectual man."
*Sources: Leon Lungstrom’s 1990 book, History of Natural Science and Mathematics at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas, chapter on E. O. Deere, pages 151, 152 & 154.
"Professor Emil O. Deere completed his elementary school training and one year of high school in Olsburg. He also studied with a private tutor. During the winter term of 1886-1887 he attended the preparatory department of Kansas State Agricultural College in Manhattan (now Kansas State University), and in 1899 he enrolled in the third class of Bethany Academy upon the urgent solicitation of Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson, who was a personal friend of his parents from the days they met in Moline, Illinois. During the year 1901-1902 he attended the St. Louis Manual Training School in Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. He was sent there by Dr. Carl Arron Swensson for special studies to prepare for technical work and teaching at Bethany College. During 1902-1904 as a student in college, he served as student assistant in Mechanical Drawing and Mathematics in the Academy and part-time teaching in the College. During 1904 he received the B.A. degree in Physico-Mathematics from Bethany College. Bethany College granted him the M.A. degree in 1907, and for this study he prepared a thesis on the Geology of Study in the Area of the Smoky Valley Buttes.
"During the summer of 1905 Professor Deere and Professor H.N. Olson attended summer school at the University of Colorado in Boulder. During the following year, 1906, Deere attended summer school at Kansas University in Lawrence. He attended summer school at the University of Chicago during the summers of 1909, 1910, 1911 and received the M.S. degree from that institution at the end of the summer of 1911. Upon completion of this degree he was offered attractive positions in several larger schools, but he declined and remained loyal to his alma mater in Lindsborg. He intended to complete studies for the Ph. D. degree and spent the summer of 1912, 1913 and 1928 at the University of Chicago. Dr. Anton Carlson, professor in physiology at the university, recognized Deere as a man with outstanding ability, and thus gained a high respect for his student. However, due to events that diverted his education goal, Deere did not even complete the entire program for the terminal degree. His accomplishments and abilities were recognized. Upsala College in East Orange, New Jersey, in the spring of 1948 conferred the honorary degree, LL.D., upon him. Few men were ever more deserving of the doctorate than this loyal, hard-working intellectual man."
*Sources: Leon Lungstrom’s 1990 book, History of Natural Science and Mathematics at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas, chapter on E. O. Deere, pages 151, 152 & 154.
Deere's Resume to 1962
(which he typed himself)
(Emil did not have a secretary.)
(which he typed himself)
(Emil did not have a secretary.)
- Doctor of Laws -
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
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"Let Us Celebrate Them"
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
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