"The Other Swedes"
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Smoky Valley Writers ~
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Smoky Valley Writers ~
Mr. Bill Carlson
2011 "Lindsborg Then and Lindsborg Now"
The creation of this book was a historical preservation project of the Smoky Valley Historical Association and member Bill Carlson.
Part 2
Lindsborg Now
Chapter 24: "Lindsborg Now In 2010"
"Lindsborg today is still commonly thought of as a center of Swedish-American life and culture, with a number of residents still having strong ties to those first hardy immigrants who settled this community. Over the years it has had a steady, but slow growth in population with the City Hall reporting there are now 3,417 in the population of Lindsborg.
"Never has the community been more enthusiastic than today, about the value of preserving the Swedish heritage and traditions of the Smoky Valley that dates back over 140 years ago.
"Gone are the days of only common Swedish names such as Peterson, Larson, Olson, Nelson, Carlson, Linquist, Lindholm, and Johnson. Those names are still common, but the phone book also list names like Achenbach, Allsbury, Bellah, Crawford, DeWitt, Kelly, and Jones.
"Of further interest we note, it was a non-Swede, Dr. William Holwerda, who instigated the celebration of the first Hyllningsfest in 1941 to pay tribute to pioneers who made Lindsborg happen.
"The celebration is held every other year in the month of October, During this celebration of the Swedish heritage, many local residents wear Swedish costumes, tents are filled with vendors selling their wares, and an abundance of Swedish food is available along with an authentic smörgåsbord. Anywhere one goes during this time they are sure to hear Swedish music being played and sung, and also may enjoy a large number of art studios. A two-mile long parade is part of the Saturday morning enjoyment, with the Bethany College Homecoming football game to follow in the afternoon. An important opening of the festival is a Thursday evening worship service which those early settlers would certainly appreciate.
"A number of other celebrations are held each year in the community, including Midsummer Day in June, St. Lucia in December, a gala July 4th musical talent performance in Swensson Park and a May celebration in the Old Mill Park.
"On a tour of the city one will note Dala Horses on the front of homes which also adds to the Swedish heritage and traditions of the community. Most of these horses have been made by Hemslöjd here in Lindsborg. Owner of this business, Ken Swisher, reports as of June 2010, just over 35,000 horses have been produced by the business. The Hemslöjd, along with a number of local establishments, specialize in the sale of Scandinavian items. Consequently, the Dala Horse has become the "nameplate" of the community of Lindsborg.
"We must confess some of the writings in this part, Lindsborg Now, will be at times somewhat repetitious, as we attempt to present a picture of Lindsborg "the way it is" today. Much of what we have here now had its origin in the early years of Lindsborg."
Go HERE for The "Conclusion" Chapters: Part 1 & Part 2.
"Never has the community been more enthusiastic than today, about the value of preserving the Swedish heritage and traditions of the Smoky Valley that dates back over 140 years ago.
"Gone are the days of only common Swedish names such as Peterson, Larson, Olson, Nelson, Carlson, Linquist, Lindholm, and Johnson. Those names are still common, but the phone book also list names like Achenbach, Allsbury, Bellah, Crawford, DeWitt, Kelly, and Jones.
"Of further interest we note, it was a non-Swede, Dr. William Holwerda, who instigated the celebration of the first Hyllningsfest in 1941 to pay tribute to pioneers who made Lindsborg happen.
"The celebration is held every other year in the month of October, During this celebration of the Swedish heritage, many local residents wear Swedish costumes, tents are filled with vendors selling their wares, and an abundance of Swedish food is available along with an authentic smörgåsbord. Anywhere one goes during this time they are sure to hear Swedish music being played and sung, and also may enjoy a large number of art studios. A two-mile long parade is part of the Saturday morning enjoyment, with the Bethany College Homecoming football game to follow in the afternoon. An important opening of the festival is a Thursday evening worship service which those early settlers would certainly appreciate.
"A number of other celebrations are held each year in the community, including Midsummer Day in June, St. Lucia in December, a gala July 4th musical talent performance in Swensson Park and a May celebration in the Old Mill Park.
"On a tour of the city one will note Dala Horses on the front of homes which also adds to the Swedish heritage and traditions of the community. Most of these horses have been made by Hemslöjd here in Lindsborg. Owner of this business, Ken Swisher, reports as of June 2010, just over 35,000 horses have been produced by the business. The Hemslöjd, along with a number of local establishments, specialize in the sale of Scandinavian items. Consequently, the Dala Horse has become the "nameplate" of the community of Lindsborg.
"We must confess some of the writings in this part, Lindsborg Now, will be at times somewhat repetitious, as we attempt to present a picture of Lindsborg "the way it is" today. Much of what we have here now had its origin in the early years of Lindsborg."
Go HERE for The "Conclusion" Chapters: Part 1 & Part 2.
The Bill Carlson Family has kindly extended permission to share these selections from
his 2011 Lindsborg Then and Lindsborg Now in SWEDES, 4-29-23.
The Bill Carlson Family has kindly extended permission to share these selections from
his 2011 Lindsborg Then and Lindsborg Now in SWEDES, 4-29-23.
Mr. Bill Carlson
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"Let Us Celebrate Them"
* * *
Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
* * *
All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of
www.swedesthewaytheywere.org. All rights reserved.
"Let Us Celebrate Them"
* * *
Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
reconnecting past to present
* * *
All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since October 8, 2015 to Current Year
as indicated on main menu sections of
www.swedesthewaytheywere.org. All rights reserved.