"The Other Swedes"
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Lindsborg Swedes, Their Neighbors & Friends ~
<> Their Legacy Art Community <>
Artist Lester Raymer
~ Remembering him as the renowned virtuoso artist and "behind the scenes" community supporter
~ Celebrating Them ~
~ The Lindsborg Swedes, Their Neighbors & Friends ~
<> Their Legacy Art Community <>
Artist Lester Raymer
~ Remembering him as the renowned virtuoso artist and "behind the scenes" community supporter
Artist Lester Raymer
Perhaps American artist Lester Raymer's most notable painting that he created for the Swedish Lindsborg community was that of the King of Sweden on a white stallion flanked in the background by the Swedish Pavilion and the Bethany Lutheran Church. This was painted in anticipation of the scheduled visit of His Majesty, Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden, to Lindsborg on April 17, 1976.
Raymer, of English descent, was born in 1907 in the farming community of Alva, Oklahoma. In his early childhood, he started drawing and experimenting in a wide variety of art forms. Raymer graduated from the Chicago Art Institute in 1933 and returned to his family farm where he produced his art from his studio their until 1945, when he married artist Ramona Weddle, a Swede from Lindsborg. She also graduated from the Chicago Art Institute, in 1936, and was teaching art at Bethany College. They would live together in the house and studio he built in Lindsborg until his death in 1991, a year before Ramona’s death.
Raymer, of English/German descent, was born in 1907 in the farming community of Alva, Oklahoma. In his early childhood, he started drawing and experimenting with a wide variety of art forms. Raymer graduated from the Chicago Art Institute in 1935 and returned to his family farm where he produced his art from his studio there until 1945, when he married artist Ramona Weddle, a Swede from Lindsborg. She also graduated from the Chicago Art Institute in 1934. After returning to Lindsborg, Ramona taught physical education at Bethany College in the 1942/1943 school year. She also served as the Delta Phi Delta art fraternity Counsellor in the 1944/1945 school year, the same time Lester Raymer was the painting instructor at Bethany college. They would live together in the Red Barn Studio, a house and studio that he built in Lindsborg until his death in 1991, a year before Ramona’s death.
Raymer, of English descent, was born in 1907 in the farming community of Alva, Oklahoma. In his early childhood, he started drawing and experimenting in a wide variety of art forms. Raymer graduated from the Chicago Art Institute in 1933 and returned to his family farm where he produced his art from his studio their until 1945, when he married artist Ramona Weddle, a Swede from Lindsborg. She also graduated from the Chicago Art Institute, in 1936, and was teaching art at Bethany College. They would live together in the house and studio he built in Lindsborg until his death in 1991, a year before Ramona’s death.
Raymer, of English/German descent, was born in 1907 in the farming community of Alva, Oklahoma. In his early childhood, he started drawing and experimenting with a wide variety of art forms. Raymer graduated from the Chicago Art Institute in 1935 and returned to his family farm where he produced his art from his studio there until 1945, when he married artist Ramona Weddle, a Swede from Lindsborg. She also graduated from the Chicago Art Institute in 1934. After returning to Lindsborg, Ramona taught physical education at Bethany College in the 1942/1943 school year. She also served as the Delta Phi Delta art fraternity Counsellor in the 1944/1945 school year, the same time Lester Raymer was the painting instructor at Bethany college. They would live together in the Red Barn Studio, a house and studio that he built in Lindsborg until his death in 1991, a year before Ramona’s death.
His Majesty, Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden
Artist Lester Raymer
for the
1976 King's visit
Artist Lester Raymer
for the
1976 King's visit
In short, Lester Raymer was a most gifted prolific artist and prolific in countless mediums. His reputation would spread throughout America's art world, and, as a result, he would win many awards during his career.
In short, Lester Raymer was a gifted prolific artist in countless mediums. His reputation would spread throughout America's art world, and, as a result, he would win many awards during his career.
Artist Raymer's works reflect his interest in religious symbolism and folk art as well as reflecting the influence of many artists found in the American Southwest, Mexico and those great masters in Europe, especially the Spanish painters. In the 1960s, his most common subjects were churches in Kansas, Illinois, and Texas.
Raymer's works reflect his interest in religious symbolism, folk art, and circus themes as well as reflecting the influences of the great masters, especially Spanish and Italian artists. In the 1960s, his religious works won awards that gained him liturgical commissions from churches in Kansas, Illinois, and Texas.
He was a private person, so he did very little self-promotion. It had been said that he would say: "My paintings do all the talking."
He was a private person, so he did very little self-promotion. It had been said that he would say: "My paintings do all the talking."
Raymer was a "behind the scenes" supporter of Lindsborg, contributing his gifts to the cultural endeavors and Swedish traditions found there, especially in preparation for Svensk Hyllningsfest, the biennial tribute to the Swedish pioneers.
Raymer was a "behind the scenes" supporter of Lindsborg, contributing his gifts to the cultural endeavors and Swedish traditions found there, especially in preparation for Svensk Hyllningsfest, the biennial tribute to the Swedish pioneers.
- The 1976 Swedish King's Visit to Lindsborg -
[Artist Lester Raymer portrait of the Monarch was of perfection and magnificent!!]
[Artist Lester Raymer portrait of the Monarch was of perfection and magnificent!!]
On February 25, 1988, the Raymer Society for the Arts was established by Lester and Romana Raymer. Mrs. Marsha Howe, a Bethany College graduate, has been the Society's only director who in turn was responsible, in 1997, for the founding of the Red Barn Studio Museum and, also, since its founding, the Working Studio of Artist Lester Raymer.
In 1988, the Raymer Society for the Arts was established by friends and supporters of Lester and Romana Raymer. Rick Nelson, who owned the Konstverk Gallery that promoted Raymer’s work, was instrumental in forming the Society and was the first director. The Red Barn Studio Museum was restored and opened with regular hours in September of 1997.
The Museum is committed to showcasing Raymer's art works, while it supports visiting artists in the Artist-in- Residency (AIR) program, along with providing occasional on-site art class programs, and holding periodic art auctions online. In 2012, the Red Barn Studio was listed in the Register of Historic Kansas Places.
The Museum is committed to showcasing Raymer's art works, while it supports visiting artists in the Artist-in- Residence (AIR) program, along with providing occasional on-site art class programs, and holding biannual art auctions. In 2012, the Red Barn Studio was listed in the Register of Historic Kansas Places.
For more information on this most interesting and prolific artist and his museum and working studio, go to the Red Barn Studio Museum website HERE, Kansapedia HERE, and AskART HERE -- the sources of which I used for this piece on American Artist Lester Raymer.
This section has been shown to Ms. Marsha Howe, Director of the Raymer Society for the Arts, for approval as of 1-16-21.
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"Let Us Celebrate Them"
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Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
~ restoring lost local histories ~
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All color photography throughout Swedes: The Way They Were is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
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